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How to Troubleshoot Intermatic timer and replace Intermatic clock motor


Dial rotating on time

Manual override turns Load ON-OFF  Load turns ON-OFF Action
Permanently override timer by removing trippers from dial.
1) Yes
If dial is rotating, then electricity to timer is good.
Yes, load turns on-off with override Yes, load turns on-off No action, timer working
2) Yes, dial rotates on time Yes, load turns on-off with override Yes, load turns on-off but with override only Replace trippers, check that copper wire is attached tight to brass terminals
3) Yes, dial rotating but not keeping time Yes, load turns on-off with override Yes, load turns on-off but not on time Replace clock motor, check for loose wires, check for bad breaker, reset clock after power outage
4) Yes, dial rotates on time Yes, load turns on-off with override Turns ON but not OFF -or-
turns OFF but not ON
Replace trippers
Intermatic trippers and parts
5) Yes, dial rotates on time NO, load does not turn on-or-off, but override snaps crisp-n-clean NO, load does not turn on-or-off Check breaker and power to Load; check Load is working, test for voltage going to load, check for loose wires
6) Yes, dial rotates, but stops after tripper passes Yes, load turns on-off with override Yes, until dial stops Check Wiring. Line and Load wires are reversed. Line wires come from breaker. Load wires go to electrical device.
7) NO, dial not rotating Yes, load turns on-off with override Yes with override only Replace clock motor
8) NO, dial not rotating NO, load does not turn on-or-off, but override snaps crisp-n-clean NO, load does not turn on-off Check wiring, check breaker and power to timer, check that copper wire is attached tight to brass terminals
How to replace circuit breaker
9) NO, dial not rotating NO, load does not turn on-or-off, and override lever is sluggish, or stuck and will not move NO, load does not turn on-off Turn off power, spray WD-40 on lever and gears, replace clock motor, buy new timer
10) Timer wires are burned and melted
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Chart as pdf

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Intermatic T104P201 pool timer
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Pool timers and manuals
How to operate and set T104 timer
How to wire Intermatic T100 series timers
How to wire Intermatic T1905 and T1906
How to wire Intermatic WH40 and EH40 and EH10
How to wire several brands of box timers

After power outage, lift and rotate dial clockwise until current time lines up with with siilver pointer
How to override dial-type mechanical timer:
Remove trippers from dial and push manual override lever to ON position.
Use this technique if your water heater will not function and you want to test water heater circuit, or if you want water heater turned ON full time while guests are in town.

Troubleshoot electric water heater
Troubleshoot power from circuit breaker to water heater
Replace circuit breaker
See basic water heater circuit
Box-type water heater timers
Timer making noiseIntermatic timer making noise? Spray gears with WD40. Or blow out timer with air. See image of gears
Turn off power: WD40 vapor is highly flammable accelerant. Do not spray WD40 on live electric connections or hot surface.
Open timer door. Spray metal gears located under the yellow dial.
Then use thumb spring located top inside box to release mechanism.
Tip out mechanism. Clock motor gears are located on back of mechanism.
If removing wires, read information below to prevent fire hazard.
recycle Intermatic timers
Timer mechanism
Larger image
How to replace Intermatic clock motor
Release mechanism
 from box using thumbspring located inside top of box.

Intermatic metal enclosure
Replacement boxes and other Intermatic parts
WG series clock motor
Identify Clock motor: model number
Numbers appear on back of motor
WG1573 240 volt consumes 3 watts of power

Identify clock by timer model number:
Clocks Motors and accessories/ pdf
Clock motors3 pdf
Buy clock motors
at Aplus
at ESO
at TheFind
at Grainger
at Shopping.com
at ShopWiki
at Grainger

Larger image
Clock motor is held in place with 2 star-screws.
Image on left shows typical WH40 and T100 series timers

Remove 2 screws
Buy star screwdriver from auto parts store or hardware store.

Clock wires connect to terminals on front of timer
Make sure clock wires do not interfere with moving parts
Tighten all screws very tight
Read next section below to safely reconnect wires to timer.
Recycle, so products don't end up in your food.
Fire inside Intermatic timerFire inside Intermatic timer
WH40 water heater timer
Avoid fire inside Intermatic timer

1) Treat timer as a circuit breaker box, and keep enclosure door closed, and keep terminals screws covered with plastic insulator.
All elecrtrical boxes are covered to contain overheating and potential source of fire.
If wires overheat, then closed door contains fire by starving fire of oxygen.
Without oxygen, the fire cannot spread.
Door also keeps melted material from falling out of enclosure and onto nearby flammables.

2) Use romex connectors where wire enters enclosure.
Tighten romex connector against wires so wires cannot pull loose.

3) Know amp rating of timer by reading information on inside of timer door.
Match wire size to amp rating of wire. Match amp rating to nameplate rating of water heater or pump that is controlled by timer.
12-3 wireKnow your wire sizes and amp ratings. Wires and cables are color-coded.
See wire size amp chart
Figure volts amps watts for water heater or any appliance
   green check mark
Intermatic terminal wires
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Fire inside Intermatic timer?
Attach wires correctly

Check amp rating of timer by reading information inside timer door,
WH40 and T100 series is 40 amps, other Intermatic timers can be more or less.
Check amp rating of Load and Breaker, check wire size, check that wires are installed corectly on timer.

Only copper wire and no insulation should be under the screw-down plate.
Tighten screws very tight.
Use copper wire only.
green check mark
Do not use both solid and stranded wire on same terminals. Stranded wire will come loose
Do not mix two different gauge, or diameter, wires under same plate. Smaller wire will come loose
Contact Intermatic
Take photo of wiring before replacing timer so replacement is easier
T100 series mechanism only
Snap into old box
Buy mechanism and snap into existing enclosure
T100 series mechanism is sold separately.
T104 timer = order T104M
T103 timer = order T103M etc.

Necessary only if gears are rusted and manual override lever does not snap crisp and clean.
New trippers and clock motor are cheaper than buying mechanism.

Fire-damaged timer can be replace with mechanism, without changing enclosure.

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 dial rotates as time passes, and the Off and ON trippers push lever that causes timer to operate. Clock motor operates dial and will keep correct time for years.
Image shows typical WH40 and T100 series

Tripper identification numbers
Intermatic 156T1978A tripper

Intermatic R8806P101C Sprinkler timer
Larger image
Intermatic T8845PV
T8845PV larger image
Sprinkler timers
When planning watering times it is important to understand how the timer works. The timer just turns on-and-off, and each time the timer turns off, the sprinkler valve automatically advances to next zone. So the sprinkler valve is doing the mechanical job of advancing through each zone.

Rain sensor is not supplied with timer. Buy separate rain sensor. The rain sensor plugs into standard outlet. Connect the wires from rain sensor to terminals on timer. Do not apply voltage to rain sensor terminals.

T8845PV has 24Volt transformer with two yellow wires. Connect yellow wires to sprinkler solinoid. Connect 120Volt power to terminals marked Line and Neutral. Line is the black hot wire. Neutral is the white wire. Do not connect power to yellow wires.

Parts list and troubleshoot for sprinkler timers

How to set and troubleshoot sprinkler timers/ pdf
Intermatic 119T86A Transformer 2
Intermatic 156T1950A tripper
All brands of timers including Intermatic sprinkler:
With 120Volts, Line is the black hot wire. And Neutral is the white wire. Connect the black and white wires to terminals marked Line and Neutral.
With 240Volts, both wires from breaker are hot Line wires. L1 and L2. Either hot wire can connect to either terminal without regard to wire color.
Intermatic trippers
Intermatic trippers and parts
Intermatic P1353 timer
Timer segments How to set timers/ generic information for analog dial-type timers
Troubleshoot IntermaticMalibu power packs ML power pack trippers
Intermatic ST01C
Intermatic EJ500
All in-wall Intermatic timers
If lights blink, then timer is wired wrong. See wiring illustrations
Replace Intermatic timer batteries
Countdown timer horsepower ratings

All in-wall Intermatic timers

Additional links
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Electricity from pole to breaker box

See basic 120V and 240V water heater circuits

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Water heater Box timers

Intermatic parts
Intermatic trippers and parts
 Dayton Power pack
GE box timers
Wire T1906 and T1905 timers
Wire T-101 T103 T104 timers
Paragon timers and manuals
Tork TU universal timer
Westek box timers
Wire EH40 and WH40 timers
Tork timers and manuals
Tork TU universal timer
Troubleshoot intermatic
Sylvania timers

How to set analog  timers
Pool timers and manuals
Intermatic T104P201
Intermatic sprinkler timers
Wire GE 15207 timer

E-mail: info@waterheatertimer.org
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